Payment options
We offer you as an end customer the following possibilities for the payment of your order:
Our PayPal username: info(at)
Without a Paypal account this online payment service is available to you free of charge (you only need an e-mail address). Normally you will be redirected to the PayPal website directly after the order process to complete your payment. There are no additional costs for you.
You can choose from various payment options via the payment service provider Stripe:
- Credit card: We accept all major card types from customers all over the world including VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Card Bancaire, etc..
- Apple Pay: Apple Pay offers a convenient, secure and confidential way to pay via iPhone, iPad and Mac. Click on Apple Pay and confirm your purchase using the touch/face ID on your Apple device without entering your credit card data. With your giro or credit card deposited with Apple Pay, you can pay in our online store by girocard.
- Google Pay: With Google Pay , you can pay quickly and easily. To use the service, you first need to download and set up the free Google Pay app for Android. This is linked to your Google account. Google Pay already works with numerous debit or credit cards in Germany. In addition, any bank account can be deposited in Google Pay via PayPal..
- Giropay in Germany: giropay is the joint digital payment procedure of the German banks and savings banks. Since giropay is a function of the checking account, you always pay directly from your checking account. You decide for yourself how you want to pay. Via paydirekt with your username and password and buyer protection. Or via giropay with your online banking access without prior registration. No matter how you pay with the new giropay - the recognized high security and data protection standards of your banks and savings banks apply. You can easily activate payment with giropay/paydirekt in your online banking: Enter your user name and password, confirm them once, and you're ready to make secure online payments.
- Bancontact in Belgium: Bancontact, formerly known as Mister Cash, is a payment method that allows consumers in Belgium to make online transfers. With over 15 million cardholders, Bancontact is the market leader among Belgium's electronic payment providers.
- iDEAL in the Netherlands: iDEAL is an online payment method that was introduced in 2005 and is only available in the Netherlands. If Dutch customers choose to pay via iDEAL, the online store will redirect you to your usual online banking environment. You can then make your payment securely there.
Advance payment (-2% immediate discount)
This is the normal bank transfer, which you have to make yourself after confirming your order, either by filling in the form at your bank or of course online. Please do not forget to include the order number when making the transfer, as this is the only way to ensure that your order is clearly identified. Depending on the bank, it takes approx. 1 to 3 days (from abroad also longer) until the money arrives at our bank and thus the receipt of payment can be booked. With Üuml;berweisungen from the foreign country possibly further costs of your bank for you result.
Please make your payment: Kay Link • IBAN DE50760100850755305859 • SWIFT/BIC PBNKDEFF760 (Postbank Nürnberg). We expect your transfer within 7 days after order on our account.